Figure 5.
PDLP5 Localization Pattern at PDs Does Not Completely Overlap with TMP.
(A) Merged confocal image of coexpressed TMP-GFP (green) and PDLP5-mRFP (red) at face-on view of cross-walls between epidermal and cortex cells of the hypocotyl. Arrowheads, a small cluster of PDs; boxed region, a larger cluster of PD; broken circles, speckles exhibiting only red signals from PDLP5-mRFP; insets, higher magnification of the boxed region (split into red and green channels and merged).
(B) Confocal images of coexpressed TMP-GFP (green) and PDLP5-mRFP (red) at the side view of cross-walls between epidermal cells of the hypocotyl. Left panel: serial z-sections capturing longitudinal PDs through cell wall junctions were reconstructed as a 3D maximum intensity projection and viewed in merged channel. Right panel, a z-axis merged view of the 3D maximum intensity projection. Closed arrowheads, nonoverlapping TMP-GFP signals; open arrowheads, nonoverlapping PDLP5-mRFP signals.