Figure 2.
For all simulations presented here αi = 0. 2, where i stands for any of the cues used (i.e., the learning rate for each cue is identical) and β = λ = 0.7 as per Haselgrove (2010). (A) Straight forward simulation of the Rescorla-Wagner model assuming a common element p. (B) Simulation of the Rescorla-Wagner model assuming a common element p and that each learning phase reached its asymptote (by multiple iterations of the model per discrete trial). (C) Simulation of the Rescorla-Wagner model assuming a common element p and that each learning phase reached its asymptote (by multiple iterations of the model at the learning phase level). (D) Simulation redrawn from Haselgrove (2010). Please note that in the case of (C,D), and for the subadditive group, the value of Lambda − Vxp is indeed equal to zero.