Figure 2.
Thermal melting properties of cis-B[a]P-dG and C8-dG-PhIP-modified duplexes. (A) UV melting profiles of unmodified (Unmod), cis-B[a]P-dG (B[a]P) and C8-dG-PhIP (PhIP) modified deletion duplexes measured at 260 nm. The full (Full) and deletion (Del) duplexes are defined in Figure 1 and the Tm values and hyperchromicity values are summarized in Table 1. (B) Comparisons of the ΔTm = Tm (modified) – Tm (unmodified values) based on thermal melting data of Table 1. The melting points of the duplexes, Tm, are averages of 2–3 experiments.