(A) Gel electrophoresis of HaeIII of digested PCR-amplified
alkaline-lysis miniprep DNA. A 286-bp fragment of pGBD-MSH2 and pGBD-msh2-M707I DNA
produced by directional cloning and isolated from MV1190 transformants by alkaline
lysis was amplified by PCR, as described in Materials and Methods. Amplified
products were digested with HaeIII, and digest products were
fractionated on a 3% agarose + 0.25 μg/ml EtBr gel. Lane 1, 100-bp ladder;
lane 2, pMSH2; lane 3, pmsh2-M707I (previously verified by dideoxynucleotide
sequencing); lanes 4–9, plasmid DNA from transformants 1–6. Relevant
fragment sizes are indicated in the figure. (B) Gel electrophoresis of
StyI/KpnI-digested alkaline-lysis miniprep DNA.
1 μg each of pMSH2 (lane 2), pGBD-MSH2 (lane 3), and 6 alkaline lysis miniprep
DNA samples (lanes 4–9) were digested with StyI and
KpnI, and digest products were fractionated on a 1% agarose +
0.25 μg/ml EtBr gel. DNA was visualized by UV illumination.
StyI cleaves once within pMSH2 and once within pGBD-MSH2;
KpnI cleaves three times within pMSH2 and once within pGBD-MSH2.
Lane 1, 1-kb ladder. Vector (pGBD-MSH2 lacking the smaller
StyI-KpnI fragment) and insert (fragment
containing the mutagenized region) DNA sizes are indicated in the figure. (Figure
and legend courtesy of Ruth Tennen, Princeton University. Reproduced with