Fig. 1.
Knock-in of BRCA1 185delAG mutation in MCF-10A and hTERT-IMEC. (A) A scheme for the knock-in process. Primers shown at the bottom were used for the PCR amplification in B. (B) PCR encompassing the targeted genomic locus. Targeted and intact alleles yield PCR products of 517 bp and 429 bp in size, respectively. Cell clones post Cre-loxP recombination were hereafter used in this study. Primers used for PCR are denoted in A. (C) Capillary electrophoresis of RT-PCR products encompassing the 2-bp deletion site in exon 2. Two neighboring peaks in BRCA1 heterozygous clones represent PCR products of 186 bp and 188 bp in size, respectively.