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. 2011 Oct 28;6(10):e26367. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026367

Table 1. Crystallographic data and refinement statistics.

Data set Thrombin:s-variegin complex
Space Group P1 C2
Unit Cell Parameters (Å, °) a = 50.8 A = 124.7
b = 61.58 B = 50.8
c = 67.3 Å C = 61.5 Å
α = 98.1 AL = 90
β = 112.2 BE = 98.7
γ = 89.9° GA = 90°
Data collection
Resolution range (Å) 50−2.4
Wavelength (Å) 0.9795
Total number of reflections 52,825
Unique reflections 29,154 15,137
Completeness (%) 88.1 (56.8) 98.1 (97.0)
I/σI 25.1 (7.0) 20.0 (5.4)
Redundancy 1.9 (1.7) 3.6 (3.1)
Rmerge (%) 2.4 (8.5) 5.3 (15.4)
Refinement and quality
Resolution range (Å) I>σ(I) 8−2.4
Rwork 0.208
Rfree 0.259
RMSD bond lengths (Å) 0.01
RMSD bond angles(°) 1.22
Average B-factors (Å2)
Protein atoms (2450 atoms) 67.4
Water molecules (51 atoms) 66.2
Ramachandran plot
Most favored regions (%) 86.1
Additional allowed regions (%) 13.9
Generously allowed regions (%) 0
Disallowed regions (%) 0

Values in parentheses are for the last resolution shell (2.46−2.40 Å). The diffraction data were processed under the space group P1 and transformed to the space group C2 using the transformation A = 2c+a, B = a and C = b, where a,b,c and A,B,C are the P1 and C2 unit-cell vectors, respectively.