Deleting MET4 causes slow growth, and this slow growth is spontaneously suppressed. (A) A met4Δ haploid grows poorly compared with MET4. A met4Δ/MET4 heterozygote (DBY12042) was sporulated, and the resulting tetrads were dissected on YPD plates. To show that the growth defect was not a simply a germination defect and persisted over many divisions, the spore colonies were restreaked onto fresh YPD plates and grown for 2 d (bottom). A MET4 wild type (FY4) is used as a control. Restreaking multiple times had the same effect. (B) The genomic locus surrounding the MET4 ORF (denoted by a box), showing that expression of the essential POL1 gene may be affected by deleting the MET4 ORF. (C) The met4Δ growth defect can be rescued by a plasmid containing MET4. A met4Δ/MET4 heterozygote containing either a MET4 plasmid (DBY12210, right) or a control plasmid (DBY12211, left) was sporulated, and the resulting tetrads were dissected on YPD plates. (D) When met4Δ haploid cells (DBY12213) are grown overnight in liquid rich medium, fast-growing cells arise in the population. This was repeated with met4Δ cells from ∼30 independent tetrads generated by sporulation of a met4Δ/MET4 heterozygote, with very similar results.