Table 7.
Variable | Country | Remarks |
Number of studentsa, b | Finland | Total number of registered students (all types of undergraduate and postgraduate studies with foreigners), headcounts |
Switzerland | Total number of registered students (all types of undergraduate and postgraduate studies with foreigners) headcounts, referring to beginning of the academic year | |
Germany | Total number of registered students (all types of undergraduate and postgraduate studies), with foreigners, referring to the winter semester; headcounts | |
Austria | Total number of registered students (all types of undergraduate and postgraduate studies) referring to the winter semester with foreigners, headcounts | |
UK | Total number of registered students (all types of undergraduate and postgraduate studies) with foreigners, headcounts, full time and part time | |
Italy | Total number of registered students (all types of undergraduate and postgraduate studies) with foreigners | |
Poland | Total number of registered students (all types of undergraduate and postgraduate studies without foreigners (separate data concerning foreign students available only since 2006, when total percentage of foreign students ranged between 0.02 and 2.6%) headcounts, full time and part time | |
Total academic staffa, b | Finland | Professors, associate professors, senior assistants, assistants, lecturers, teachers and research personnel, full time equivalent, |
Switzerland | Professors, adjuncts and lectures, full time equivalent, referring to the last day of each year | |
Germany | Professors, lecturers, scientific assistants, scientific and artistic employees, teaching personnel, full time employment | |
Austria | Professors, assistants and other academic staff, full time equivalent | |
UK | Teachers, teachers and researchers, researchers, full time equivalent. | |
Italy | Professors (1st and 2nd category) researchers, registered at the end of the year, who in December received at least 95% of the salary typical for the post at the full-time employment level | |
Poland | Professors, docents, adjuncts, assistants, senior lecturers, lecturers and specialist librarians, full time employment | |
Total revenuesa | Finland | Originally reported in euro, yearly |
Switzerland | Originally reported in Swiss frank, yearly | |
Germany | Originally reported in euro, yearly | |
Austria | Originally reported in euro, yearly | |
UK | Originally reported in pounds, yearly | |
Italy | Originally reported in euro, yearly | |
Poland | Originally reported in PLN, yearly | |
Number of publications | Finland | According to Thomson Reuter’s ISI Web of Science (set of journals, conference proceedings etc. common to all countries). HEIs for which identification of the publication record was impossible were excluded from the sample |
Switzerland | ||
Germany | ||
Austria | ||
UK | ||
Italy | ||
Poland | ||
Number of graduationsa | Finland | Total number of graduations (all types of studies), all |
Switzerland | Total number of graduations (all types of studies), all | |
Germany | Total number of graduations (all types of studies), all | |
Austria | Total number of graduations (all types of studies), all | |
UK | Total number of graduations (all types of studies), all | |
Italy | Total number of graduations (all types of studies), all | |
Poland | Total number of graduations (all types of studies) without foreigners (separate data concerning foreign students available only since 2008 when total percentage of foreign students ranged between 0 and 2.25%) | |
Revenues core | Finland | Budgetary funding and building investments. External financing: Academy of Finland, Tekes, domestic company, other domestic funding, EU, foreign company, other foreign financing. |
Switzerland | Funding from central, regional and local governments (mainly cantonal), investment, innovation and contribution projects contribution from central government. Third-party funds: tuition fees, Swiss National Science Foundation, KTI, EU projects, other international research programmes, research grants from government private organisation and public sector, income from services. | |
Germany | Basic subsidies from the government. Third-party funds: German Research Council (DFG), government grants, international organisations, private organisation, foundation, funds raised from companies. | |
Austria | Federal funds, in the period 2000–2003 together with pension contribution. Third-party funds: tuition fees, research grants and projects, EU projects, others. | |
UK | Total funding from general budget and central government: total income from the higher education funding councils. External funding: tuition fees, OST research council grants, industry, commerce and public corporations research grants and contracts, UK based charities research grants and contracts, EU and EC research grants and contracts, other research grants and contracts. | |
Italy | NA | |
Poland | Funding from the government in the form of teaching and operational donations. The research grants from the government, if awarded at the basis of open competition, is classified as external funding. | |
Women academic staffa | Finland | Women teachers, full time equivalent (The share of women in academic staff calculated as the ratio of women teachers to total teachers, no data on the gender structure of research personnel). |
Switzerland | Women professors, adjuncts and lectures, full time equivalents, referring to the last day of each year. | |
Germany | Women professors, lecturers, scientific assistants, scientific and artistic employees, teaching personnel, full time employment. | |
Austria | Women professors, assistants and other academic staff, full time equivalent, available only for the years 2002 and 2005. | |
UK | Women teachers, teachers and researchers, researchers, full time equivalent. | |
Italy | NA | |
Poland | Women professors, docents, adjuncts, assistants, senior lecturers, lecturers and specialist librarians, full time employment | |
Nofac | Finland | Number of faculties |
Switzerland | Number of faculties | |
Germany | Number of faculties | |
Austria | Number of faculties | |
UK | Number of faculties | |
Italy | Number of faculties | |
Poland | Number of faculties | |
GDP | Finland | GDP per capita in euro PPS of the NUTS2 region in which the given university is located. |
Switzerland | GDP per capita in euro PPS of the NUTS2 region in which the given university is located. | |
Germany | GDP per capita in euro PPS of the NUTS2 region in which the given university is located. | |
Austria | GDP per capita in euro PPS of the NUTS2 region in which the given university is located. | |
UK | GDP per capita in euro PPS of the NUTS2 region in which the given university is located. | |
Italy | GDP per capita in euro PPS of the NUTS2 region in which the given university is located. | |
Poland | GDP per capita in euro PPS of the NUTS2 region in which the given university is located. |
aIf not stated differently, data reported originally for the respective academic year (thus, the value in our dataset matched with the year 2002 refers to the academic year 2001/2002, and so on)
bAccording to the UOE manual (2004, p. 22) we consider a student to be any individual participating in the tertiary education service in the reference period
cIn line with the UOE manual (2004, p. 34) as academic staff we consider: “personnel whose primary assignment is instruction, research or public service; personnel who hold an academic rank with such titles as professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, or the equivalent of any of these academic ranks; personnel with other titles if their principal activity is instruction or research.”
NA—not available
Source Own elaboration