Histological and Immunohistochemical evaluation of untreated and fasudil-treated wounds. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin showed both groups had high cellularity, including fibroblasts lymphocytes, macrophages (e = epidermis and d = dermis, 20× magnification, scale bar = 200µm). The thickness of the newly formed epidermis was not significantly different between the two groups. Masson`s trichrome stain for collagen revealed a random alignment of collagen fibers in scar tissue. This pattern was similar in both untreated and fasudil treated animals (20× magnification, scale bar = 200µm). Ki-67 staining showed no difference in proliferation between the two groups (black arrows point at Ki-67 positive nuclei). CD-31 staining showed the same degree of neo-vascularization between untreated and fasudil-treated groups (black arrows point at CD-31 positive vessels). (B) Epithelialization was quantified for each specimen by measuring 5 different epithelium thicknesses. Data shown are mean ± SEM. The number of Ki-67 positive nuclei and CD-31 positive vessels were counted in five 40× and 20× power fields, respectively. Data shown are mean number of Ki-67 positive nuclei per 40× power field ± SEM, n= 5 (p >0.05) and mean number of CD-31 positive vessels per 20× power field ± SEM, n= 5 (p >0.05).