Table 3.
Factors associated with the probability of expressing uncertainties: panel data analysis method
Hypothesized Factors | Patient Uncertainty Odds Ratio |
Physician Uncertainty Odds Ratio |
Compared with biomedical topics | ||
Mental health topics | 2.796 ** | 2.072 ** |
Psychosocial topics | 0.302 ** | 0.469 ** |
Lifestyle and personal habits topics | 0.56 * | 0.845 |
Compared with physician-initiated topics | ||
Patient initiation | 2.599 ** | 1.16 |
Compared with visits for chronic conditions | ||
Reason for visit was acute condition | 0.522 ** | 0.764 |
Number of instances | 1.181 ** | 1.143 ** |
Compared with patients age 65 – 74 | ||
Patient age 75 – 84 | 0.861 | 0.998 |
Patient age ≥ 85 | 1.191 | 0.46 |
Compared with Academic Medical Center | ||
Managed care organization | 0.731 | 0.552 * |
Inner city solo | 0.832 | 0.655 |
Log likelihood | 2099.888 | 1607.02 |
Number of topics | 2285 | 2284 |
Note: Controlled for number of instances in topic, patient gender, education, years of patient-physician relationship, physician’s years in medical practice, physician’s specialty, and practice settings. Because none of these were statistically significant, they are not reported in the table.