Loss of scrib impairs Hippo pathway signaling in parallel to expanded and fat. Larval eye/antennal disc clones generated with ey-FLP and marked by GFP expression (A-H), and wing disc clones generated by hs-FLP and marked by the absence of GFP (I, J). Green is GFP (or magenta in the merges). Grayscale is F-actin (A-F), CycE (G, H) and β-GAL (I, J). A white bar indicates the location of the MF in the eye disc (A-H), and a dashed white line marks the location of the Z-stacks shown below the wing discs (I, J). (A-C) scrib1 clones (B) are reduced in size compared to control clones (A), but expressing bskDN in the scrib1 clones dramatically increases clone size (C). (D-F) Overexpression of ex in otherwise wild type clones reduces clonal tissue size (D), and when ex is expressed in scrib1 (E), or scrib1 clones expressing bskDN (F), clonal tissue size is also greatly reduced. (G, H) Overexpression of ex in scrib1 clones expressing bskDN does not prevent ectopic expression of CycE in basally located mutant clones posterior to the MF (H, highlighted with arrow), as compared to control clones (G). (I, J) scrib1 clones generated in the wing disc (arrows) in either a transheterozygous d1/dGC13mutant background (I) or homozygous ftfd exe1 (J) mutant background show increased ex-lacZ compared to the surrounding tissue.