Figure 1).
Physician report card. Data are representative and presented as % unless otherwise indicated. *Continuous quality improvement (CQI) targets: United States Multisociety Task Force on Colorectal Cancer. Am J Gastroenterol 2002;97:1296–308; †Quartiles are calculated only if 30 or more procedures performed during a reporting period: 1 = Top performing quartile, 4 = Bottom performing quartile; ‡Polyp detection rate is based on findings entered using Endopro Finding drop-down menu; §Adenoma detection rates are based on pathology reports; ¶Average withdrawal time is calculated from procedures in which no polyps are reported in Endopro (Pentax, Japan) Findings menu; **From patient comfort score questionnaires (n = number of responses for the endoscopist). CCSC Colon Cancer Screeing Centre; N/A Not available