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. 2011 Sep-Oct;16(5):321–330. doi: 10.1155/2011/489286


Studies included for further contextual information

First author (reference) Year Age Intervention Pain reactivity findings Pain regulation findings Reason for exclusion from quantitative analyses
Cong (73) 2009 Preterm Facilitated tucking vs non-nutritive sucking Supports efficacy No behavioural pain measure reported
Johnston (74) 2008 Preterm Kangaroo care Does not support efficacy Supports efficacy Control group was active
Johnston (75) 2009 Preterm Kangaroo care No difference between kangaroo care and enhanced kangaroo care No difference between kangaroo care and enhanced kangaroo care Control group was active
Ludington-Hoe (76) 2005 Preterm Kangaroo care Supports efficacy Supports efficacy Control group was active
Huang (77) 2004 Preterm Kangaroo care No difference between swaddling and containment Control group was active
Cignacco (78) 2008 Preterm Kangaroo care No difference between multisensorial stimulation and facilitated tucking No difference between multisensorial stimulation and facilitated tucking Control group was active
Diego (79) 2009 Preterm Kangaroo care Supports efficacy Control group was active
Goubet (80) 2003 Preterm Smell (familiar vs unfamiliar) No difference between familiar and unfamiliar odour Familiar odour more efficacious than unfamiliar odour Control group was active
Grunau (81) 2004 Preterm Multisensorial stimulation vs facilitated tucking No difference between prone and supine positioning No control group
Vivancos (82) 2010 Neonate Non-nutritive sucking Does not support efficacy Does not support efficacy Not an RCT
Okan (83) 2010 Neonate Non-nutritive sucking Does not support efficacy Supports efficacy No means or SDs reported; could not contact author
Aguirre (84) 2008 Neonate Non-nutritive sucking vs non-nutritive sucking & swaddling Non-nutritive sucking more efficacious than facilitated tucking Control group was active
Bueno (85) 2010 Neonate Pacifier vs swaddling No difference between non-nutritive sucking and non-nutritive sucking with swaddling No difference between non-nutritive sucking and non-nutritive sucking with swaddling Control group was active
Campos (86) 1989 Neonate Positioning (prone vs supine) No difference between pacifier and swaddling Pacifier more efficacious than swaddling Control group was active
Goubet (87) 2007 Neonate Rocking and/or holding Familiar odour more efficacious than unfamiliar odour Control group was active
Rattaz (88) 2005 Neonate Smell (familiar vs unfamiliar) No difference between familiar and unfamiliar odour Familiar odour more efficacious than unfamiliar odour No control group
Weissman (89) 2009 Neonate Smell (familiar vs unfamiliar) Supports efficacy Not an RCT
Smell (familiar vs unfamiliar) Supports efficacy
Felt (90) 2000 Older Infant Structured parental intervention Supports Efficacy Not an RCT
Morelius (91) 2009 Older Infant Swaddling or tucking Does Not Support Efficacy Not an RCT
Swallowing water Does Not Support Efficacy
Ipp (92) 2009 Older Infant Vaccination order Supports injecting DPTAP-Hib vaccine before PCV No control group

Dash indicates no research done for that treatment, age and pain response combination. DPTAP-Hib Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis and Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine; PCV Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine; RCT Randomized controlled trial