Figure 1.
a.) Delay discounting in FH− and FH+ youth. Median subjective values of $10 reward delayed in time from 0 to 365 days. The group median indifference point for each of the delays is plotted, along with the inter-quartile range for each point (error bars). The lines reflect the fit of the hyperbolic function V =$10/ (1+kD) to the median group indifference points. The rate of discounting for each group (k-value) and the goodness of fit for each function (r2 × 100%) are also indicated. Note that the filled circles have been slightly offset on the x-axis for the 0 and 7 delay points to make them visible. b.) Delay discounting in FH− and FH+ youth. Mean (ln) k-values when the hyperbolic function is fitted to the data for each participant; smaller (ln) k-values indicate greater discounting. Error bars represent SEM.