Figure 4. Nasal application of low-dose mB29a-PLGA containing particles reduces severity of arthritis.
A and B. Effect of mB29a-nanoparticles on nasally induced suppression of PG-induced arthritis in BALB/c mice. Mice received 30 µg of mB29a peptide i.n. dissolved in PBS or encapsulated in PLGA or PLGA-TMC nanoparticles prior to arthritis induction. Arthritis scores of mB29a-PBS (black squares), PLGA (black circles) or PLGA-TMC (black triangles) treated mice as assessed by swelling and redness of the paws. Data are shown as the mean arthritis scores ± SEM. of n = 3 mice per group. Statistically significant: **, P<0.01.