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. 2011 Oct 31;61(592):e707–e714. doi: 10.3399/bjgp11X606609

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of patients in the derivation and validation cohorts; patients are free of a diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal cancer at baseline, (Figures are n [%] unless otherwise specified)

Derivation cohort Validation cohort
Characteristic (n = 2 355 719) (n = 1 238 971)
Female 1 174 921 (49.9) 617 493 (49.8)
Male 1 180 798(50.1) 621 478(50.2)
Mean age (SD), years 50.1 (15.0) 50.1 (15.0)
Mean Townsend score (SD) -0.3 (3.4) -0.2(3.6)
BMI recorded priorto study entry 1 869 779 (79.4) 1 005 846(81.2)
Mean BMI (SD), kg/m2 26.4(4.6) 26.4(4.7)

Smoking status
 Non-smoker 1 194 692 (50.7) 624 788(50.4)
 Ex-smoker 427 246(18.1) 229 516(18.5)
 Current smoker, amount not recorded 71 416(3.0) 39 231 (3.2)
 Light smoker (<10/day) 148 063(6.3) 79 844 (6.4)
 Moderate smoker (10-19/day) 179 931 (7.6) 95 754(7.7)
 Heavy smoker (≥20/day) 133 980 (5.7) 73 554(5.9)
 Smoking status not recorded 200 391 (8.5) 96 284 (7.8)

Alcohol status
 None 511 397 (21.7) 275 795(22.3)
 Trivial (<1 unit/day) 657 782 (27.9) 356 394(28.8)
 Light (1-2 units/day) 493 275 (20.9) 257 800 (20.8)
 Moderate or heavy (≥3 units/day) 176 350 (7.5) 93 310 (7.5)
 Alcohol status not recorded 516 915 (21.9) 255 672 (20.6)

Medical history
 Family history of gastrointestinal cancer 29 636(1.3) 17 742(1.4)
 Prior cancer apart from gastro-oesophageal cancer 53 971 (2.3) 28 520(2.3)

Current symptoms and symptoms in the preceding year
 Current dysphagia 15 021 (0.6) 8165 (0.7)
 Current haematemesis 12 952 (0.5) 7119 (0.6)
 Current abdominal pain 225 543 (9.6) 126 161 (10.2)
 Current appetite loss 9978 (0.4) 6133(0.5)
 Current weight loss 9998 (0.4) 5377 (0.4)
 Tiredness in last year 25 200 (1.1) 14 119 (1.1)
 Haemoglobin recorded in the last year 22 576 (1.0) 12 638(1.0)
 Haemoglobin <11 g/dl in the last year 406 410 (17.3) 218 862 (17.7)

BMI = bodymass index. SD = standard deviation. Figures in the tables are counts (%) unless otherwise specified.