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. 2011 Oct;46(5):1333–1361. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2011.01276.x

Table 3.

Instrumental Variables (IV) and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimates of Medical Spending (Cumulative Total) and Health Outcomes (Final HALex) Models


First-Stage Spending Model Second-Stage Health Outcome Model Health Outcome Model

Variable (N = 17,438) Coefficient t Coefficient z Coefficient t
Medical spending (U.S.$1,000s) 0.0043b 2.00 −0.0013a −18.00
EOLEI (exogenous identifying variable) 0.545a 4.06
Prior health status
 Self-reported general health status (reference = excellent)
  Very good 3.427a 6.01 −0.090a −9.42 −0.071a −14.53
  Good 6.523a 9.58 −0.180a −11.33 −0.143a −27.29
  Fair 15.312a 13.64 −0.350a −10.11 −0.263a −37.64
  Poor 24.801a 11.31 −0.450a −8.04 −0.309a −32.54
  Any ADL 10.721a 11.96 −0.208a −8.70 −0.148a −27.04
  Any IADL 8.022 9.76 −0.196a −10.40 −0.151a −28.17
 Change in HALex, baseline to year 1 −37.462a −20.87 0.668a 8.14 0.456a 40.91
 Change in HALex, year 1–year 2 −24.753a −15.02 0.462a 8.39 0.322a 29.86
 Had hardening of the arteries at baseline 0.682 0.57 −0.007 −0.73 −0.002 −0.41
 Developed hardening of the arteries, year 1 6.896b 2.31 −0.025 −0.99 0.015 1.19
 Developed hardening of the arteries, year 2 9.450a 3.59 −0.059b −2.14 −0.005 −0.39
 Had hypertension at baseline 1.000c 1.72 −0.018a −3.20 −0.012a −3.13
 Developed hypertension, year 1 2.512c 1.71 −0.028b −2.14 −0.014 −1.55
 Developed hypertension, year 2 4.759a 2.99 −0.036b −2.20 −0.008 −0.92
 Had heart attack at baseline 4.329a 3.91 −0.027b −2.14 −0.003 −0.47
 Developed heart attack, year 1 16.564a 5.17 −0.094b −2.21 0.000 0.01
 Developed heart attack, year 2 14.276a 4.28 −0.056 −1.47 0.025c 1.72
 Had angina pectoris or other coronary heart disease at baseline 4.493a 3.95 −0.023c −1.72 0.003 0.50
 Developed angina or coronary heart disease, year 1 1.956 0.93 0.005 0.30 0.017 1.37
 Developed angina or coronary heart disease, year 2 9.792a 3.70 −0.039 −1.39 0.017 1.28
 Had other heart conditions at baseline 4.071a 5.44 −0.028b −2.55 −0.005 −1.11
 Developed other heart condition, year 1 11.992a 7.02 −0.070b −2.40 −0.002 −0.28
 Developed other heart condition, year 2 5.319a 3.57 −0.056a −3.32 −0.025a −3.01
 Had stroke or brain hemorrhage at baseline 0.912 0.70 −0.021b −2.13 −0.016b −2.55
 Developed stroke or brain hemorrhage, year 1 13.669a 4.10 −0.081b −2.32 −0.005 −0.44
 Developed stroke or brain hemorrhage, year 2 8.405a 4.11 −0.071a −2.99 −0.024b −2.29
 Had skin cancer at baseline −0.098 −0.11 0.001 0.18 0.001 0.19
 Developed skin cancer, year 1 −3.237c −1.94 0.015 0.95 −0.003 −0.28
 Developed skin cancer, year 2 0.018 0.01 −0.014 −1.07 −0.014 −1.42
 Had other cancer at baseline 3.537a 4.29 −0.036a −3.51 −0.016a −3.26
 Developed cancer, year 1 12.042a 5.17 −0.073b −2.20 −0.005 −0.32
 Developed cancer, year 2 20.494a 8.69 −0.135a −2.78 −0.019 −1.27
 Had diabetes at baseline 10.206a 9.47 −0.087a −3.71 −0.029a −5.27
 Developed diabetes, year 1 −0.473 −0.38 −0.024b −2.14 −0.027a −2.95
 Developed diabetes, year 2 −1.437 −1.54 −0.030a −3.11 −0.038a −5.13
Additional health variables
 Proxy respondent 5.807a 3.45 −0.050a −2.95 −0.016b −2.17
 Current smoker 1.849b 2.00 −0.040a −4.40 −0.029a −4.84
 Former smoker 2.063a 3.55 −0.016b −2.33 −0.004 −1.05
 LT 10th percentile of body mass index (reference = 25th–75th percentile) 1.151 0.99 −0.025a −2.65 −0.018a −2.86
 10th–25th percentile of body mass index −0.726 −1.02 −0.009 −1.32 −0.013b −2.52
 GT 75th percentile of body mass index −1.422b −2.00 0.003 0.48 −0.005 −1.07
 Upper body limitation (some or lot of difficulty, or unable) 0.996 1.19 −0.025a −3.49 −0.019a −3.81
 Lower body limitation (some or lot of difficulty, or unable) 1.780b 2.45 −0.039a −5.23 −0.029a −6.16
Education (reference = LT high school)
 High school graduate 2.415a 3.35 −0.006 −0.79 0.007c 1.68
 Some college 2.890a 3.27 −0.007 −0.68 0.009c 1.62
 College graduate 3.620a 3.97 −0.012 −1.06 0.009 1.44
Family income (reference = LT U.S.$10,000)
 U.S.$10,000–20,000 2.112b 2.31 −0.007 −0.76 0.005 1.04
 U.S.$20,000–30,000 1.966b 2.07 −0.004 −0.47 0.007 1.20
 U.S.$30,000–40,000 2.767b 2.41 0.007 0.63 0.023a 3.33
 U.S.$40,000 or more 3.607a 3.57 0.006 0.52 0.027a 4.23
Age (reference = 65–67)
 68–70 0.926 0.98 −0.024a −3.08 −0.019a −3.38
 71–74 1.015 1.13 −0.040a −5.24 −0.034a −6.08
 75–79 1.256 1.39 −0.063a −8.07 −0.056a −10.01
 80–84 2.636a 2.60 −0.107a −10.80 −0.091a −14.90
 85 or older 4.736a 3.48 −0.164a −11.32 −0.137a −18.26
Female (reference = male) −2.245a −3.36 0.016b 2.21 0.004 0.95
Race/ethnicity (reference = white non-Hispanic)
 Asian −7.487a −3.54 0.045 1.62 0.005 0.26
 African American −1.466 −1.23 0.000 0.04 −0.005 −0.79
 White Hispanic −1.847 −1.07 0.000 0.03 −0.006 −0.52
 Other race −4.818b −2.21 0.015 0.71 −0.010 −0.74
Year 0.311a 3.21 0.001 0.53 0.002a 3.66
Constant −6.487a −3.23 0.929a 81.88 0.927a 110.65

Note. IV test statistics.

Partial R2 of excluded instruments: 0.0009.

Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F Statistic: 16.448.

Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values.

10% maximal IV relative bias: 16.380.







ADL, activities of daily living; EOLEI, End-of-Life Expenditure Index; HALex, Health and Activity Limitation Index; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living.