Figure 4.
A–E The number of c-Fos-labeled cells counted in the entire PAG or its individual longitudinal columns (A = dmPAG; B = dlPAG; C = lPAG; D = vlPAG; E = Total cell counts for entire PAG). CTA extinction generally caused a suppression of PAG c-Fos expression (in comparison with non-extinguished controls) independent of the extinction methodology employed. The c-Fos expression that accompanied SR of the CTA was more variable and PAG-column-specific with generally no differences between rats that went through CSO-EXT or EU-EXT procedures. However, rats that experienced EU-EXT exhibited a significant increase in dlPAG c-Fos as compared with rats that went through CSO-EXT. * = Statistically significant difference between c-Fos labeling at asymptotic extinction vs. SR test. The horizontal bars represent significant differences between particular treatment groups - evaluated via ANOVAs [Extinction Treatment (CSO or EU) × Test day (Asymptotic EXT or SR)] and Bonferroni post hoc comparisons. α = 0.05.