Kinetics of DNA dissociation. A, unlabeled −12/+8-mt20 (1 μm) from one syringe of the stopped-flow instrument was mixed with a pre-formed complex of 100 nm Rpo41 or Rpo41-Mtf1 and 40 nm TMR-labeled −12/+8-mt20 or RD-ds20 from a second syringe. The time-dependent decrease in fluorescence anisotropy of TMR-labeled DNAs was fit to a single exponential equation to obtain the koff values listed in the table. Dissociation kinetics of −12/+8-mt20 -Rpo41 (B), −12/+8-mt20-Rpo41-Mtf1 (C), RD-ds20 -Rpo41 (D), and RD-ds20-Rpo41-Mtf1 (E) are shown. The data uncertainties show the range of at least two independent measurements.