Fig. 4.
G93E NIS does not transport I- but transports electrogenically. (A) Steady-state
transport assays in nontransfected (NT) or COS-7 cells transfected with WT or G93K, D, or E NIS cDNAs. Cells were incubated for 1 h with 3 μM
in the absence (light green bars) or presence (yellow bars) of 120 μM
, or with 30 μM
in the absence (dark green bars) or presence (olive bars) of 800 μM
. (B) Steady-state I- transport activity was assayed in WT, G93D, or G93E NIS-expressing COS-7 cells as in Fig. 1A. (C) Current traces in response to 5 mM I- (Left) or 1 mM
(Center) or
(Right) in oocytes expressing G93D (Top Traces), G93E (Middle Traces), or G93Q NIS (Bottom Traces). Vm = -50 mV. For each mutant, all current traces were obtained in the same oocyte. (D) Kinetics of anion transport by G93D, E, and Q NIS, as in Fig. 1G. (E) Kinetic parameters.