Table 2.
Description of studies
Study/Year | Design | Participants | Tests and reference | Variables measured | Prevalence UTI |
Verest LFHM (14) 2000 |
prospective | - 292 women suspect of UTI - age > 12 yr - primary care - excluded if antibiotic has been taken - Netherlands |
-dipstick -culture |
- nitrites and leukocytes in dipstick test (cut-off not defined) - culture (UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) 58% (168/292) |
Baerheim A (19) 1999 |
Prospective symptoms were registered in the patient's home for three days |
- 196 women with symptoms of the lower urinary tract - age 48 yr (average) - primary care - Norway |
- self-monitoring of symptoms thrice daily for 3 days - dipstick test - culture |
- dysuria - frequency - urge - suprapubic pain - low back pain - pyuria on dipstick - culture (UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 46.8% |
Dawborn JK (20) 1973 |
prospective | - 62 women with symptoms suggestive of UTI - age 15-50 yr - primary care - Victoria (Australia) |
- questionnaire for the register of antecedents, symptoms and signs - culture |
- history of urinary complaints - pain on micturition - frequency - back pain - anorexia - vaginal irritation - abundant vaginal discharge - culture (UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 63% (37/59) |
Fahey T (21) 2003 |
Prospective | - 136 women with symptoms for UTI - age not indicated - primary care - United Kingdom |
- asked about explicity for 11 symptoms associated with UTI - near patient test - culture |
- frquency and dysuria - dysuria - fequency - haematuria - urgeny - nocturia - nauses - vomiting - abdominal pain - back pain - vaginal discharge - leukocyte near patient test - nitrite - culture (UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 38% |
Fairley KF (22) 1971 |
prospective | - 78 women with symptomatic micturition - age 8-80 yr, most 30-40 yr - primary care - Victoria (Australia) |
- symptoms and signs were registered systematically - urine culture - bladder catheterized depending on culture results |
- frequency - burning - suprapubic pain - loin pain - temperature - rigors - nausea and vomiting - haematuria (microscopy) - culture (UTI if ≥104 bacteria/mL) |
p(UTI) = 71% (55/78) |
Jellheden B (23) 1996 |
systematic register of clinical findings from all patients | - 819 women with signs and symptoms suggesting UTI - age over 18 yr - primary care - Sweden |
- dipstick test - urinoculture |
-dysuria -frequency -suprapubic pain -flank pain -fever -nitrites on dipstick - culture (agar, UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 83% |
Lawson DH (24) 1973 |
prospective | -343 women with symptomatic micturition - age 15-55 yr - Canada |
- use of a questionnaire to register data - urine sample - urinoculture - control of evolution after 14 days |
- pyrexia - loin pain - frequency - dysuria - nocturia - stress incontinence - previous symptoms - culture (UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 34.3% |
Leibovici L (25) 1989 |
prospective | - 266 women with dysuria - 17 to 25 years old - primary care - Israel |
- clinical interview and examination followed a check-list - urine sample taken for dipstick and culture |
- sexual activity - vaginal discharge - duration of symptoms - pyuria (sediment) - hematuria (sediment) - culture (agar, UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 55.3% |
Medina-Bombardó D (26) 2003 |
prospective | - 343 women with incident urinary symptoms - Median age 44 years old, (range 15-90) - Primary care - Spain |
- clinical systematically interview and clinical exam by check-list - urine reactive strip test - urinoculture |
- urinary symptoms: freqúency, burning, tenesmus, urgency, painfou voiding, difficult, diurnal and or nocturnal incontinence and combinations two of them. - medical history: urinary tract infections, sexual activity, vulvovaginitys, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, urinary catheterization - sings: lower abdominal pain, positive fist percussion, genital erythema, fever - accompanying symptoms: lower abdominal discomfort, general malaise, genital discomfort, dyspareunia, cold chills, uncreased vaginal discharge, perineal discomfort. - reactive strip test: pyuria, nitrite - culture (agar, UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 48.4% |
Nazareth I (27) 1993 |
prospective | - 61 women presenting with symptoms on urination (frequency or dysuria) - 16-45 years old - primary care - no antibiotic treatment - United Kingdom |
- data on symptoms, signs and clinical exam were collected by the physician using a questionnaire with open questions - urine sample for culture |
- dysuria - frequency - urgency - vaginal symptoms - abdominal symptoms - back pain - haematuria - fever - culture (≥105 CFU/L) |
p(UTI) = 28% |
Osterberg E (28) 1996 |
prospective | - 217 women with dysuria and/or urgency/frequency - age 15-35 yr - primary care - Sweden |
- questionnaire on symptoms - dipstick - culture on "Dipslide" |
- dysuria and urgency/frequency - nitrites on dipstick - positive granulocyte esterase (≥1) - culture (UTI if ≥105 CFU/mL) |
p(UTI) = 52% |
UTI urinary tract infection; CFU/mL Colony Forming Units/milliliter sample; p(UTI) prevalence of UTI