A, Water potentials (measured isopiestically) of
individual corn roots (○) collected at different times during the
day, soil surrounding the same roots (▵), and leaves (•) of the
plants from which the roots were sampled. Each symbol records a
measurement from one root, soil, or leaf sample. B, Osmotic potential
of the contents of the xylem lumens of the same individual roots used
for the measurements of water potential in A. At each sample time the
osmotic potential for the sap of each root was determined in two ways:
(a) by isopiestic measurements of exuded sap (•), and (b) from in
situ measurements of elemental concentrations in vessel lumens of
frozen pieces of the same roots by cryoanalytical microscopy (○). C,
Percent embolized LMX vessels in roots collected at the same times as
those in A and B. Values (○) are for the same individual roots
measured in A and B (see text for details). Values (*) are means
(n = 2–4) for these and other roots from the same
plants frozen at the same times.