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. 2011 Nov 3;343:d6500. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6500

Table 3.

 Differences in weight loss at programme end and one year follow-up between intervention groups and comparator arm (exercise only)

Intervention group Programme end One year
Mean difference (95% CI) P value Adjusted mean difference* (95% CI) P value Mean difference (95% CI) P value Adjusted mean difference* (95% CI) P value
Weight Watchers −2.41 (−3.60 to −1.23) <0.001 −2.34 (−3.56 to −1.13) 0.001 −2.38 (−3.98 to −0.78) 0.025 −2.49 (−4.15 to −0.83) 0.024
Slimming World −1.55 (−2.74 to −0.37) 0.072 −1.24 (−2.47 to −0.02) 0.322 −0.81 (−2.41 to 0.78) 1.000 −0.90 (−2.57 to 0.77) 1.000
Rosemary Conley −2.22 (−3.40 to −1.04) 0.001 −2.39 (−3.61 to −1.16) 0.001 −1.05 (−2.64 to 0.55) 1.000 −1.35 (−3.03 to 0.33) 0.798
NHS Size Down −0.37 (−1.55 to 0.82) 1.000 −0.09 (−1.31 to 1.14) 1.000 −1.37 (−2.97 to 0.23) 0.649 −1.65 (−3.33 to 0.04) 0.386
General practice 0.65 (−0.66 to 1.95) 1.000 0.61 (−0.73 to 1.96) 1.000 0.25 (−1.51 to 2.01) 1.000 0.12 (−1.96 to 1.72) 1.000
Pharmacy −0.10 (−1.41 to 1.20) 1.000 0.12 (−1.51 to 1.27) 1.000 0.41 (−1.35 to 2.17) 1.000 0.06 (−1.84 to 1.96) 1.000
Choice −1.30 (−2.49 to −0.12) 0.216 −1.33 (−2.55 to −0.11) 0.224 −1.07 (−2.67 to 0.53) 1.000 −1.47 (−3.13 to 0.20) 0.591

Negative difference favours intervention arm. P values adjusted to maintain overall 5% type 1 error rate across seven comparisons; 95% confidence intervals not adjusted.

*Adjusted for weight at baseline, physical activity at baseline, age, sex, and ethnic group.