Figure 3. Up-regulation of CTSE by Ebi3−/−Il10−/− Tregs.
(A) mRNA was isolated from wild type or knock out Treg purified by FACS and used for Affymetrix analysis. Modulated genes in knock out Treg compared to wild type Tregs is depicted in a heat map. (B) Volcano plot comparing wild type and Ebi3−/− Il10−/−, Tregs. Highest modulated genes are marked. (C) mRNA was isolated from wild type or knock out Treg purified by FACS, cDNA synthesized and Ctse expression assessed by qPCR. Data are the mean of 2 independent experiments. (D) Wild type or knock out Treg were stained for intracellular CTSE [grey - 2nd antibody control, open histograms; in green - wild type Tregs and in blue; Ebi3−/− Il10−/− Tregs]. (E) Equal numbers of FACS purified wild type or knock out Treg were lysed, CTSE immunoprecipitated and analysed by SDS-PAGE/western blot. Data are representative (A, B, D and E) of three independent experiments.