Figure 5.
PRT060318 inhibits neointima formation after femoral artery wire injury. (A) Photomicrographs of injured femoral arteries from vehicle control and PRT060318-treated mice after wire injury. Verhoeff elastin staining 28 days after injury. Arrows indicate the internal elastic lamina. Images were captured using a microscope (model DM2000; Leica) and captured with an AxioCam MRc5 camera (Carl Zeiss) interfaced to a computer running Zeiss Axiovision Rel 4.5 software (original magnification, ×20). Immunostaining for CD45 and BrdU 5 days after injury. Quantitative morphometry, including intimal area (B) and intimal area:medial area (I:M) ratio (C), of mouse femoral arteries 28 days after injury.