Figure 1. HIF-1α and its target genes are expressed in mouse atherosclerotic plaques.
ApoE-/-mice were fed the Western diet for 16 weeks. Aortic roots and arches were harvested and frozen sections were prepared. A, Differential immunohistochemical staining for HIF-1(plaque and healthy vasculature) and two of its well known downstream targets, Glut-1 and VEGF. Staining intensity begins at approximately 100 microns from the vessel lumen; B-C, To examine macrophages in hypoxic areas, we performed double immunofluoresence studies using antibodies to HIF-1α (green) and CD68, a macrophage marker (red). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Two separate examples are shown, with typical results for the individual antibodies in the small images in panel B; D, Double immunofluoresence experiments were also performed on non-diseased areas of the aortic arch. No detectable signals were detected except for DAPI. Arrows highlight areas with representative staining.