Phylogenies generated from partial N, X, P, M, and G sequences of avian and mammalian bornaviruses. Accession numbers of sequences used to develop these phylogenies are as follows: FJ620690 (ABV2, 6609), EU781967 (ABV2, bil), HM998710 (ABV2 NM-CT15), GU24959 (ABV1 NM-M25), FJ002329 (ABV1 VTH1561/06), FJ002328 (ABV3, KD), FJ002331 (ABV4, VTH1688/07), JN035149 (ABV4, NM-01), FJ002334 (ABV5, ABRC-98-512), NC_001607 (BDV), HQ123584 (ABV CG_2002), and GQ161095 (canary). Sequences used to generate the M tree are provided in Fig. 1.