Identification of the cytoplasmic domain involved in LTβR-mediated p100 processing. (A) Schematic representation of human full-length and deletion mutant LTβR. The black bar, the gray bar, and TM represent the extracellular domain (amino acids 1 to 121), the cytosolic tail (amino acids 242 to 425), and the transmembrane domain (amino acids 222 to 241), respectively. (B to D) HEK 293 cells were transiently transfected with different sets of LTβR deletion mutants of the cytosolic tail and with the triple D390D391E393/AAA mutant. (E) 293T cells were stably infected with retrovirus encoding the indicated Myc-tagged LTβR, and expression was analyzed with anti-Myc immunoblotting. (F) Stable clones were stimulated for 6 h with an agonistic (Ago) anti-LTβR antibody prior to analysis by Western blotting of the processing of p100 into p52.