Fig. 4.
Molecular architecture and coordinate fits of sCD4-bound SIV CP-MAC Env. (A and B) Native (A) (58) and sCD4-bound (B) SIV CP-MAC Env density map obtained from 3D classification and averaging rendered as a blue isosurface with gray lipid bilayer. (C) Greatest positive difference density (yellow isosurface) when subtracting the native SIV CP-MAC Env (A) density map from that of sCD4-bound trimeric Env (B) density map, shown here as a blue mesh. (D) Fit of gp120 subset of 1GC1 coordinates into native SIV CP-MAC Env density map. The gp120 protomers are rotated outward compared to the conformation observed for native SIVmac239 and SIVmneE11S Env trimers. (E) Fit of gp120 and sCD4 components of 1GC1 coordinates into the sCD4-bound SIV CP-MAC Env density map. Coordinates of gp120 are displayed as in Fig. 3, with sCD4 shown as yellow ribbons.