Result of Lys-C cleavage displayed in 1D Western blot. Shown are PK digests of PrPres in seven scrapie isolates from sheep with either the Q/Q or R/Q genotype at codon 171 before and after cleavage by Lys-C. Lanes 1 to 6, sample sets from three individual VRQ/VRQ sheep; lanes 7 to 14, sample sets from four ARR/VRQ sheep. In each lane, 0.5 mg TE was applied. Lane M, molecular mass markers (in kDa, arrows). At the right, the positions of the 114-188PrP fragment with (diamond line) or without (line) a glycosyl group are indicated. Again, blotting with either SAF84 or L42 yielded nearly equal staining for all seven sheep, indicative of the minimal presence of the 171R allele product. Antibody concentrations are as described in the legend to Fig. 2.