Fig. 7.
AAP sequences of different AAV serotypes. Alignment of predicted AAP protein sequences derived from ORF2 of the corresponding cap genes (multiway protein alignment; scoring matrix, linear). A conserved ctg codon in ORF2 of the cap gene was presumed as translation initiation codon. A shaded background indicates 100% identity and at least 60% conserved. The GenBank accession numbers of AAV serotype complete or partial genome sequences are as follows: AF043303 (AAV2), AF063497 (AAV1), AF028705 (AAV3B), NC_001829 (AAV4), AF085716 (AAV5), AF028704 (AAV6), NC_006260 (AAV7), AF513852 (AAV8), AY530579 (AAV9), AY631965 (AAV10), AY631966 (AAV11), DQ813647 (AAV12), and EU285562 (AAV13; AAV VR-942).