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. 2011 Dec;85(23):12804–12810. doi: 10.1128/JVI.05841-11

Table 1.

CD8+ T lymphocyte escape mutations engineered into three separate mutant SIVmac239 viruses

MHC-I allele Mutant virus Epitope SIVmac239 sequence Mutant sequencea Comment code(s)b
Mamu-A1*00101 14x-SIVmac239 Gag372-379LF8 LAPVPIPF - - - G- - - - 1
Pol625-633SV9 STPPLVRLV - - - - - - - -A 1
Vif100-107VI8 VTPNYADI - - - - - - -T 1
Tat28-35SL8 STPESANL P- - - - - - P 1
Env233-241CL9 CAPPGYALL - - - - -FV- - 1
Env620-628TL9 TVPWPNASL - - - - - - - -I 1
Env726-735ST10 SSPPSYFQQT - - - - - - - - - I 1
Mamu-A1*00201 14x-SIVmac239 Gag71-79GY9 GSENLKSLY S-D- - - - - - 1
Env788-795RY8 RTLLSRVY - - - -L- - - 1
Nef159-167YY9 YTSGPGIRY - - - - - - - -F 1
Nef221-229YY9 YTYEAYVRY H- - - - - - - - 1
Mamu-A1*01101 14x-SIVmac239 Pol92-100AL9 AERKQREAL -G- - - - - - - 1
Env495-502GI8 GDYKLVEI - - - -V- - - 1
Nef124-132KI9 KEKGGLEGI -Q- - - - - - - 1
Mamu-B*00801 11x-SIVmac239 Vif123-131RL9 RRAIRGEQL -K- - - - - - - 2
Vif172-179RL8 RRDNRRGL -G- - - - - - 2
Vpr62-70IF9 IRILQRALF -K- - - - - - - 3
Rev12-20KL9 KRLRLIHLL -K- - - - - - - 3
Rev44-51RL8 RRRWQQLL -K- - - -I- 2, 3
Env573-581KL9 KRQQELLRL - - - - - - - -M 2
Env868-876RL9 RRIRQGLEL - - - - - - - -R 4
Nef8-16RL9 RRSRPSGDL - - - -Q- - - - 2
Nef137-146RL10 (A)RRHRILDIYL (P)- - - - - - - - - - 2, 5
Nef245-253RL9 RRRLTARGL KK- - - - - - I 2, 3
Nef246-254RL9 RRLTARGLL K- - - - - - II 2
Mamu-B*01701 5x-SIVmac239 Vif66-73HW8 HLEVQGYW Y- - - - - - - 6
cRW9 RHLAFKCLW - - - - - - - -R 7
Env830-838FW9 FHEAVQAVW -Y- - - - - - - 6
Nef165-173IW9 IRYPKTFGW T- - - -I- - - 8
Nef195-203MW9 MHPAQTSQW V- - - - - - - - 6

Dashes indicate residues identical to the wild-type sequence.


Comments: 1, MHC-I allele-specific variation observed in sequences published in reference 36 and in sequences found in File S1 in the supplemental material; 2, variant published in reference 26; 3, previously unpublished variant discovered during chronic SIVmac239 infection in Mamu-B*00801-positive macaques; 4, variation in Mamu-B*00801 anchor residue observed in an HIV-2 sequence from the Los Alamos National Laboratory online HIV sequence database (; 5, putative processing mutation (extraepitopic variant published in references 22 and 24); 6, variant published in reference 29; 7, cryptic reading frame variant published in reference 28; 8, variant published in reference 16.