Table 1.
Symbols: purple diamonds, N-acetylneuraminic acid; yellow circles, galactose; blue squares, N-acetylglucosamine; green circles, mannose; red triangles, fucose; blue circles, glucose; yellow squares, N-acetylgalactosamine. *, measurements were made using strains C35 (hPIV1), Oklahoma/3955/2005 (hPIV2), and C243 (hPIV3). Clinical isolates Oklahoma/283/2009 (hPIV2), Oklahoma/94/2009 (hPIV2), Oklahoma/754/2009 (hPIV3), and Oklahoma/410/2009 (hPIV3) gave results similar to the values for hPIV2 and -3 values reported here. †, chicken ovomucoid was not selected for kinetics analysis due to low solubility and sialic acid content.