Figure 5.
Comparison of CSTA gene expression in SAE, LAE, and in lung cancer. A. Normalized average microarray CSTA gene expression levels are shown on the ordinate as box and whisker plots with median, interquartile range and range, for each of the groups depicted on the abscissa. B. Ratio of microarray-determined gene expression level of CSTA to cathepsin B within individual subjects, for each of the 7 indicated phenotypic groups, including data from non-small cell lung cancer cells. C. The ratio of microarray -derived SAE, LAE and tumor CSTA levels to corresponding cathepsin H gene expression levels. D. Shown on the ordinate is the same analysis as in B and C but with cathepsin L as the denominator. Error bars in B–D represent standard error. P values are from ANOVA. HNS, healthy nonsmoker. HS, healthy smoker. COPD, smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. SAE, small airway epithelium. AdCa, adenocarcinoma of the lung. SCC, squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.