Figure 8.
Analysis 3: Decomposition of shape variation for symmetry under reflection and rotation of order 6. This figure shows examples of PCs that account for the maximum of variance for each category of shape variation. Each diagram shows the symmetric consensus (open circles and dotted lines) and the differences between the consensus and the other configuration (solid circles and solid lines) represent the shape change associated with the respective PC by an arbitrary amount of + 0.1 units of Procrustes distance. The percentages represent the part of the total shape variation for which each PC accounts. A. Asymmetric component, symmetric under reflection and rotation of order 2. B. Asymmetric component, symmetric under rotation of order 2 but not reflection. C. Asymmetric component, symmetric under reflection about the vertical axis and rotation of order 3. D. Asymmetric component, symmetric under reflection about the horizontal axis and rotation of order 3. E. Completely symmetric component. F. Asymmetric component, symmetric under reflection about the vertical axis. G. Asymmetric component, symmetric under reflection about the horizontal axis. H. Asymmetric component, symmetric under rotation of order 6.