Fig. 1.
The effect of different hypoxia durations on white matter injury in the developing brain. UCL/hypoxia (30 min) caused selective white matter injury. MBP staining showed myelin loss ipsilateral to the ligation in animals subjected to UCL/hypoxia (30 min). UCL/hypoxia (45 min) caused severe myelin loss (A). Semi-quantitative score of MBP staining showed that UCL/hypoxia (30 or 45 min) caused significant myelin loss ipsilateral to the ligation (B) (I, ischemia; I/H, ischemia-hypoxia; n=9–11; * p <0.001). O1 staining showed oligodendrocyte loss ipsilateral to the ligation with hypoxia for 30 min or 45 min (C). Semi-quantitative score of O1 staining showed that UCL/hypoxia (30 or 45 min) caused significant myelin loss ipsilateral to the ligation (D) (I, ischemia; I/H, ischemia-hypoxia; n=9–11; * p <0.001).