Figure 2.
Transient loss of CD4+ Vβ6+ spleen T cells during pregnancy in the spleen of CD4 anti H-Y transgenic mice. (a) Example of flow cytometric analysis. Spleen cells from a never mated (left panel), day 12 pregnant (middle panel) and a post-partum (right panel) mouse were analysed using antibodies to CD4 (y-axis) and Vβ6 (x-axis). (b) Comparison of spleen and uterine draining lymph node. Spleen (left panel, n = 5–8 mice each time-point) and uterine draining lymph nodes (right panel, n = 5–8 mice each time-point) were harvested from pregnant and unmated mice and analysed as in (a). y-Axis: percentage of lymphocytes positive for CD4 and Vβ6; x-axis: time of assay, where ‘um’ refers to unmated mice and ‘post-partum’ refers to mice < 2 weeks from birth of a litter. Asterisk: P < 0·05.