Solid-state 13C-NMR spectra showing
the progressive purification of the suberin from the wound-healing
periderm of potato tuber slices. a, Cold-water-washed periderm
preparation showing resonances from suberin, wax, and cell wall
components. b, Periderm preparation treated with cellulase and
pectinase, drastically reducing carbohydrate peaks centered at 72
ppm. c, Suberin fraction after exhaustive extraction of the wax
with organic solvents, reducing mainly the methylene peaks at 33 ppm.
d, Suberin fraction after dioxane:water extraction to remove residual
sugars and soluble lignins, resulting in a better definition of the
carbohydrate peaks. The glycerol resonances expected at 66 and 75 ppm
were obscured by large cell wall peaks near 72 ppm and possibly by
signals from suberin esters of primary alcohols at 65 ppm.