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. 2011 Aug 24;89(10):741–748E. doi: 10.2471/BLT.10.084152

Table 1. Comparison of demographic characteristics of schoolchildren in study population (n = 1797) and Greenlandic schoolchildren in general.

Characteristic Study populationa Greenlandic schoolchildrenb
Total (No.) 1797 10 593
Gender, No. (%)
Male 892 (49.6) 5382 (50.8)
Female 905 (50.4) 5211 (49.2)
Age (years)
Mean 11.0 11.2
SD 3.0 3.1
Median 11 12
Range 5–19 6–16
Ethnicity, No. (%)c
Inuit 1734 (96.5) 10 126 (95.6)
Non-Inuit 63 (3.5) 467 (4.4)
   Danish 53 (3.0) 417 (3.9)
   Other 10 (0.5) 50 (0.5)
Mother’s age (years) at child’s birth
Mean 26.7 26.4
SD 5.9 5.9
Median 27 26
Range 15–46 14–52
Mother’s total no. of liveborns (including study child)
Mean 3.1 3.0
SD 1.6 1.5
Median 3 3
Range 1–11 1–11

SD, standard deviation.

a Includes participating schoolchildren recruited from five survey districts across Greenland.

b Includes all schoolchildren 6–16 years of age living in Greenland as of 31 December 2006 (data from the Danish Civil Registration System [CRS]).

c Unlike the rest of the paper, this table presents ethnicity among the study population based on a child’s birthplace to facilitate the comparison with the total population of Greenland (data from the CRS).