Fig. 1. Jagged1 is expressed in the prospective coronal suture.
(A) We used an antibody against Jagged1 to stain transverse sections (as depicted) of E14.5 embryos. An adjacent section was stained for the early osteoblast marker, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) with nuclear fast red counterstain. A superimposition of the Jagged1 immunostaining and ALP is shown for clarity. (B) We also show the expression of the suture marker and craniosynostosis gene, Twist1 by in situ hybridization (upper panel) with an adjacent ALP-stained section (middle panel) and their superimposed image (lower panel). Note that Jagged1 and Twist1 are both expressed in the prospective coronal suture (arrows), as well in an ectocranial cell layer (EL). CS, prospective coronal suture; EL, ectocranial layer; FB, prospective frontal bone; PB, prospective parietal bone. Scale bars: 50 μm.