Figure 4. Automated sphere finding and evaluation with confocal images.
(A) Screen capture image of the user interface for the itkISE automated sphere finder algorithm. (B) Typical search criteria for HIV-1 virions are shown. (C) Example of a successful identification of a membrane-bound virion (green, inset) using itkISE. The edges detected are shown as red contours and is overlaid with the corresponding EM image (top). (D) A slice through an automatically segmented T cell volume. Cellular membranes are in grey and a candidate sphere 90–125 nm in diameter is in black. (Inset) A sub-image from the SEM image stack at its original resolution corresponding to the same sphere. The scale bar is 100 nm. (E) Segmented T cell showing semi-transparent plasma membrane in brown, nucleus in blue, mitochondria in pink and automatically segmented spheres 90 to 160 nm in diameter in green. The white arrow points to the segmented virion highlighted by the white arrowhead in 3E. The box encloses the same candidate sphere displayed in 4C and 4D. (F) The same segmentation as in D, superimposed with the registered confocal volume rendering of the same T cell. The intracellular organelles have not been highlighted for the sake of clarity.