Gene expression profiling of epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts from PdgfraEGFP mice. (A-D) Paraffin sections of back skin labelled with GFP (green) and Krt14 (red) antibodies. The boxed region in C is enlarged in D. Arrows point to PdgfraEGFP+ fibroblasts associated with the DP of an original hair follicle (A) and ectopic follicles (D). Scale bars: 200 μm. (E-H) Flow cytometry sort gates used to isolate populations of Itgα6+ keratinocytes (red box) and PdgfraEGFP+ dermal fibroblasts (green box) for microarray analysis. (I,J) Heatmaps representing the hierarchical clustering (based on both entities and samples) of entities that are differentially regulated (P<0.05, fold change greater than 2) between at least one of six possible pairs of groups, in (I) epidermal keratinocytes and (J) dermal fibroblasts. Some genes are represented by multiple entities. Telo, ‘Telogen’ group (wild type); Ana, ‘Anagen’ group (K14β-catER, transient activation); EF, ‘Ectopic follicles’ group (K14β-catER, sustained activation); Neo, ‘Neonatal’ group. (I,J) Bar indicates fold regulation (baseline to median of all samples).