Figure 8.
Effects of a brief irradiation with a red-light microbeam on the chloroplast-avoidance response induced by a brief blue-light microbeam in the same area. a, Duration of chloroplast-avoidance response induced by a brief blue-light microbeam (30 W m−2 for 20 s) with or without a red-light microbeam (30 W m−2 for 30 s) . B20, Blue-light irradiation for 20 s; B20+R30, blue-light irradiation for 20 s followed by red-light irradiation for 30 s; R30+B20, red-light irradiation for 30 s followed by blue-light irradiation for 20 s. Bars = se. b, Time course of chloroplast-avoidance response induced by a brief blue-light irradiation followed or not by a red-light (R) microbeam (30 W m−2) . D, Darkness.