Mapping of the GTP-binding site on annexin by
photolabeling experiment. Recombinant annexin proteins were incubated
with [α-32P]GTP for 10 min under UV irradiation, and
the proteins were extracted and subjected to 10% SDS-PAGE. A,
SDS-polyacrylamide gel stained with Coomassie blue. Lanes 1 to 8,
Purified recombinant annexin proteins of Ann1F1R, Ann1F2R, Ann1F3R,
Ann1F4R, Ann2F4R, Ann3F4R, Ann4F4R, and Ann2F3R, respectively. BSA was
added to the reactions as the internal control. B, Autoradiograph of
the same gel. Note that any annexin mutant missing the C-terminal
domain 4 was not labeled.