A, Coelution of pea ACCase and
[3H]BCCP. [3H]BCCP precursors were
synthesized in vitro and imported into isolated pea chloroplasts.
Plastid ACCase activity in the stromal fractions was determined after
chromatography with a Sephacryl S300 column. Identical results obtained
with α-CT precursors produced from accA were used in the same type of
experiment (Reverdatto et al., 1997). B and C, Processing of the in
vitro-synthesized soybean BC precursor by pea chloroplasts. Lanes 1,
Translation with [35S]Met. Lanes 2, Intact pea
chloroplasts incubated with the BC precursor and reisolated through a
Percoll cushion (total chloroplast protein). Lanes 3, BC precursor
incubated with pea stromal preparation that has CPE activity. Lanes 4,
Same as for lanes 3, but 5× concentrated (by ultrafiltration through
Microcon-30) pea stroma. Note that lanes 2 and 4 contain sizable
amounts of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, which causes the band
attributable to mature BC to be distorted, whereas in lanes 3 there is
no distortion. B, Coomassie blue stain for total protein. C,
Autoradiogram of the gel from B. These data show that the soybean BC
precursors processed after import into chloroplasts, and by cleavage
with CPE, are of the same apparent size.