Figure 3.
Induced color shifts measured at 6.25-Hz temporal modulation of the surround. Measurements are shown for three observers. Large (small) black circles are color shifts resulting from high (low)-contrast surround modulation along only the s-axis (90°). Large (small) black squares are color shifts resulting from high (low)-contrast surround modulation along only the l-axis (0°). These values are replotted in panels in the second and third columns when they correspond to the level of l or s contrast for the panel’s angles of modulation. Large diamonds are color shifts from surround modulation along intermediate directions. Small diamonds are color shifts from surround modulation of 45° and 135° when both l and s are at low contrast. Angles of modulation for intermediate directions are noted next to each plotted point. Solid gray circle is the measurement from the control condition with a steady surround metameric to EES. Dashed lines cross at coordinates of EES. Error bars indicate ±1 SEM. Axes as in Figure 2b.