Treatment | All microbes (DAPI)
Eubacteria (EUB338)
β-AOB (NSO190)
β-AOB (NSO1225)
Different meansa | Declining trendb | Different means | Declining trend | Different means | Declining trend | Different means | Declining trend | |
PFA | Y | NS | Y | Exponential | Y | Linear | Y | Log-linear |
F | Y | NS | Y | NS | N | Logarithmic | N | NS |
F + PFA | N | NS | N | NS | N | Exponentialc | N | Exponentialc |
FF | Y | NS | Y | NS | N | NS | N | NS |
FF + PFA | N | NS | N | NS | N | NS | N | NS |
Significance of difference between results obtained with experimental treatments and the corresponding reference values was determined by t test (P < 0.05).
Significance of declining time trends was verified by one-way ANOVA (P < 0.05).
Exponential declining trend observed after excluding the data points at ≈22 h.
Abbreviations: Y, yes; N, no; NS, not significant.