Figure 2.
Post-reproductive time (PrT) scales with life expectancy at birth. A measure of PrT (eM) plotted against life expectancy at birth (e0) for 63 species of captive primates. Data are from the International Species Information System. The majority of information in these interspecies comparisons of PrT is attributable to the overall longevity of the organisms (Adjusted R-squared: 0.67), not to variation in the representation of post-reproductive individuals in the populations, indicating that PRLS is of limited value for comparisons between species with different overall longevities. The upper outlier in this graph is the Brown Wooly Monkey, Lagothrix lagotricha, a species known to be difficult to breed in captivity (Mooney and Lee 1999), and without exceptional PRLS as measured by PrR or ecological reason to expect unusual PRLS.