Site | Location | Temp (°C)a | Precipi- tation (mm)b | Organic C concn (mg of C g of soil−1) | pH (CaCl2) | Texture | Crop in 2002 | Soil unitsc |
Hohenschulen | 54°19′N, 10°00′E | 8.5 | 750 | 17 | 7.0 | sL-tL | Triticum | Luvisols, anthrosols |
Frankenhausen | 51°24′N, 9°26′E | 9.7 | 622 | 12 | 7.3 | tU | Secale | Luvisols, anthrosols, pelsosols |
Scheyern | 48°29′N, 11°26′E | 7.4 | 803 | 15 | 6.2 | suL | Medicago and Lolium | Luvisols, cambisols |
Mean annual temperature.
Mean annual precipitation.
Classification according to ISSS-ISRIC-FAO (1998).