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. 2011 Oct 25;11:460. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-11-460

Table 3.

Proportional hazard ratios, using Cox regression models, of time to death for head and neck cancer patients diagnosed between 1998 and 2004, for Indigenous people in Queensland (reference category is last for all variables)

HR (95% CI)
Crude Time to all-cause death 2.50 (1.59, 3.93)
Crude Time to cancer-specific death: 2.19 (1.36, 3.53)
 Adjusted for: Stage^ 2.45 (1.51, 3.96)
 Stage, SEIFA^^ 2.41 (1.47, 3.93)
 Stage, SEIFA, CCI score # 2.35 (1.42, 3.78)
 Stage, SEIFA, diabetes 2.34 (1.42, 3.85)
 Stage, SEIFA, CCI score, any treatment 1.88 (1.10, 3.22)
 Stage, SEIFA, CCI score, curative treatment 1.59 (0.92, 2.73)
 Stage, SEIFA, CCI score, mode of treatment## 1.50 (0.86, 2.64)
Crude Time to non-cancer death 7.33 (1.52, 35.1)
 Adjusted for: any treatment 5.83 (1.09, 31.04)

^ Stage: 1 = localised, 2 = regional spread, 3 = distant metastasis, 4 = not known

^^ SEIFA: 1 = Most disadvantaged, 2 = Mod disadvantage, 3 = Most Advantaged

# Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) score: 1 = 0, 2 = 1, 3 = 2-5, 4 = 5+

## Modes of treatment: 0 = No Treatment 1 = surgery, 2 = chemotherapy only, 3 = radiotherapy only, 4 = surgery and radiotherapy, 5 = surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, 6 = chemoradiation